I’m passionate about sharing experience and that’s what my training workshops are about

Being involved in countless amount of projects and changes, while also working actively with leading professional organizations, I know the real challenges faced by leaders. That’s how I’m always on top of the latest developments in project, change and strategic management. And that’s exactly what I want to share with you during my training workshops, webinars and public talks.

Standard or tailored content

Even though I truly enjoy bespoke workshop design and delivery, some of my programs have proven to fit the needs of many organizations. I’ve perfected each of them over years based on feedback from participants, my growing experience, latest international standards, and recent trends in strategic, project and change management.

Onsite and online

Each of these project and change management training workshops can be delivered onsite or online. I’ve carefully designed every part of them for both forms of delivery, so regardless if we meet face-to-face or via your preferred videoconferencing platform, each workshop will be equally interactive, engaging and inspiring.

We work on your cases

My goal is to make sure that you know how to apply every single bit of knowledge to your own reality. That’s why we always work on real-life cases brought by participants. This way you can immediately check how to use every technique in practice and I can address your actual challenges. No questions are left unanswered.

We can focus on one project

Typically we work in sub-groups on 3-4 cases at the time, but most of the workshops below can focus only on one specific project, change or organization. Effectively it turns it into a great opportunity for your team and sponsors to work together and use it as part of the kick-off of your project, program, transformation or even strategy.

Training catalogue

Project Management Foundations

This training has always been my bestseller as a highly practical introduction to modern project management, showing how to blend traditional methods with agility. As in modern projects, the main focus is on value delivery and sustainment instead of simple scope delivery. The program covers entire project initiation and early planning phase with a lot of attention to stakeholders engagement. Workshop exercises are always based on real-life cases brought by participants.

Target audience: Project managers with no or medium level experience, project sponsors, product owners, key team members, PMO staff
Learning method:
interactive workshop
Duration onsite: 2 days
Duration online: 4 half-days
Max. group size: 16

Introduction to

Project Planning

It’s a great follow-up of the Project Management Foundations workshop as the program covers key estimation and planning techniques used in predictive and agile projects. Participants learn on real-life examples how to choose the right planning approach, organize efficient planning processes and apply each technique in practice. The workshop program also includes various techniques of project monitoring and control that can help to keep the project on track during execution.

Target audience: Junior project managers, PMO staff
Learning method:
interactive workshop
Duration onsite: 2 days
Duration online: 4 half-days
Max. group size: 16

Risk Management
in Projects

Participants of this workshop often say that it has changed their attitude towards risk management. Being extremely hands-on, this workshop shows how to effectively work with opportunities and threats while avoiding unnecessary beaurocracy. As one of the core team members behind the PMI Global Standard For Risk Management in Portfolios, Programs and Projects, I made sure that all the tools and techniques presented during the workshop are based on the latest proven practices.

Target audience: Project and program managers, key team members, PMO staff
Learning method:
interactive workshop
Duration onsite: 2 days
Duration online: 4 half-days
Max. group size: 16

Advanced Introduction to Project Management

This course is designed to cover all key aspects of modern project management. It’s dedicated for project managers and PMO specialists who want to broaden their perspective and learn about the latest developments in this discipline. The content is based on the latest PM standards, such as the PMBOK Guide (6th and 7th Edition), Disciplined Agile, IPMA ICB and IPMA PEB. It also includes tons of practical examples as I strictly follow “no theory – just practice” approach. All this makes this course ideal for practitioners who want to apply this knowledge in their projects and/or prepare for various certifications, for example CAPM or PMP.

Target audience: Project managers with medium or high level experience, PMP certification candidates, PMO staff
Learning method: interactive workshop
Duration onsite: 5 days
Duration online: 10 half-days
Max. group size: 16

Project Management for Executives

It’s a unique program tailored for executive management and project sponsors. It started as a part of Executive MBA program but quickly became one of the “must have” workshops for many of my customers. It shows key concepts of portfolio, program and project management from the perspective of executives and investors. Therefore, the program focuses on effective ways of strategy execution, development of organizational capabilities, balancing projects with operations and organizational learning. A lot of attention is also given to methods of effective and reliable governance.

Target audience: Top executives, sponsors
Learning method:
interactive workshop
Duration onsite: 1-2 days
Duration online: 2-4 half-days
Max. group size: 16

Change Management Foundations

As a change and transformation practitioner I know how important it is to deal with human factors related with change adoption. This workshop covers key models that guide me and my customers throughout real-life changes and provide foundational knowledge necessary to understand human behavior. The program focuses on proactive approach to change management, ensuring that a lot of resistance is avoided thanks to good communication and right engagement of stakeholders. We are also using latest findings in the field of psychology to better understand our stakeholders and their actions.

Target audience: Project and program managers, sponsors, PMO staff
Learning method:
interactive workshop
Duration onsite: 2 days
Duration online: 4 half-days
Max. group size: 16

Project Assessment and Audit

As a Certified Information Systems Auditor, one of the most experienced Team Lead Assessors in IPMA Global Project Excellence Award and co-author of several international standards, I have a unique experience in planning and executing audits and assessments. I’ve developed this workshop for my clients who need to build effective governance mechanisms at corporate level. The course focuses on designing audit and assessment programs using modern standards such as IPMA Project Excellence Baseline. It also includes good practices in presenting findings in a way that leads to actual improvements.

Target audience: PMO staff, auditors, senior project managers
Learning method:
interactive workshop
Duration onsite: 2 days
Duration online: 4 half-days
Max. group size: 16

Program Management


Highly practical introduction to program management, always based on real-life cases brought in by participants. This workshop focuses on designing programs to maximize benefit realization. We are also covering the topic of complexity and practical ways to reduce it. A lot of attention is given to building effective program management teams and value adding governance structures. We are also learning how to develop culture that leads to reliable delivery based on strong collaboration and synergies among projects. With such a multidisciplinary approach, no wonder it’s been my bestseller for years.

Target audience: Program managers, senior project managers, sponsors, PMO staff
Learning method:
interactive workshop
Duration onsite: 2 days
Duration online: 4 half-days
Max. group size: 16

Introduction to

Strategic Management

This workshop started as an MBA course designed for future executives, but several students asked me to deliver it in their organizations as part of their actual strategic planning efforts. We focus on unlocking strategic potential of organizations by looking at them from two perspectives: strategic focus and organizational culture. The first perspective covers methods of sustainable strategic development, including effective realization of strategy. Second perspective revolves around organizational identity, pragmatic values essential for thriving in a given industry and impact of beliefs on strategic changes. We use it all to find ways to constructively engage key stakeholders.

Target audience: Top executives, line managers, senior project managers, program managers, PMO staff
Learning method:
interactive workshop
Duration onsite: 2 days
Duration online: 4 half-days
Max. group size: 16

Bespoke Training Workshops

You’ve just seen my most popular training workshops, but maybe your needs are different? I love designing new workshops and I’m sure we will find a way to create educational content that is right for you!

or simply…